SOS Error: Emergency Call Workshop!

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Post by Manxonia »

Hello all,

I'm a first time user of this or any other forum, so please bear with me.

I have a 70 plate Karoq SE.

After two weeks I've had the message ' SOS Error: Emergency Call Workshop!'
This is coupled with the yellow triangle ⚠️ & the light by the SOS button going off, then Red, then off etc, etc.

Its happened twice:

First time other issues were thr infotainment system froze and I couldn't be heard on handsfree.

Second time I did a soft reset of the infotainment system( just in-case).

On both occasions after turning the car off, leaving it a while and then going back, the error message is gone and the light by the SOS button is back to green. It was a week to the day between the messages coming up.

Anyone had similar?

Many thanks 😊 🙏


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Post by 24 VRT »

Assuming yours is a MY21 model, it has a built in mobile phone SIM (eSIM) which the car connects to the world through. I don't know which network they are set up on (possibly Vodaphone's), but one possible cause would be a problem with the eSIM - if the SOS light comes and goes it is indicating there is a loss of/disruption to the signal. I wonder if you were in an area with a poor mobile signal - noting you 'dropped' a mobile phone call that was also taking place. Best thing is to talk to the dealer, and see what they suggest, given what you are describing.
Someone else may come along with other suggestions, but meanwhile welcome to the forum.
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Post by Manxonia »

Thank you for the welcome and advice
24 VRT.

I've booked into the dealership in Harlow on the 21st to see if there is anything that can be found.

My initial call with the technician there was one of those ' if there is no fault now we won't find anything if you bring it in'. Which i get, but after a second blip I've got them to come around to having a butchers.

I thought about the service Dipping in and out too, I do live in Greater London and travel through some pretty built up areas, so maybe its the signal as you say. I'll definitely post the outcomes on here though incase anyone has been having the same things happening to them.

Other than that though I really like the Karoq.

Thanks again for your help 🙂👍
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Post by kodiaq »

Welcome to the forum.
Sorry to hear about your problem.
My '17 reg Kodiaq had a dedicated SIM and the same persistent problem. My dealer had 3 attempts at resetting it, On the 3rd attempt , it was successful!
So glad (NOT) to see that Skoda persist in NOT sorting out this problem :lol:
If it goes on take it to the dealer.
Hopefully you will never need any of the 3 numbers.
Colin Lambert.
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Post by Manxonia »

Good afternoon Kodiaq!

Thank you very much for the response and insights.

I'm beginning to get the feeling that the Intergrated Sim( eSIM) has a few gremlins.

Its so strange as its fine again now. I did a soft re-set of the infotainment system as it all appears to be linked, so I shall wait and see.

She's booked into the Dealership next week for a look, so I will probably mention the Sim card and the fact it might be losing signal or needs a reset. Although the technician will have their own thoughts of course.

I'll post back with a result whatever that may be incase others are having issues.

Thanks again for the reply and the welcome 🙂
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Post by Manxonia »


Took the Karoq into the dealership. Sat for a few hrs.

Technician wanted to do a complete software reinstall BUT apparently the skoda server was down, so they did a 'system 30 restart' basically switching it all off and on again.

Two days guessed it, same fault.

Re-booked for next week to get the software reinstall done( hopefully)
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Post by Milfmog »

Fingers crossed...

Karoq SE-L 1.5TSI DSG 2WD. Emerald green, beige leather, heated screen and steering wheel, lane assist, blind spot assist, adaptive cruise control.

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Post by Haideriq »

I am having the same issue with my brand new Kodiaq, been to skoda Ruislip and they could not help other than doing software update, they said they raise it to Skoda to find out the reason for this error


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Post by Manxonia »

Hello Haideriq,

With regards to the software update, it may all be part of the warranty repair process. The dealerships have to go by a list of pathways laid out by Skoda, it seems they start with the simplest( cheapest) repair options and then gradually get more in-depth( expensive), although it’s costs you nothing aside from time and fuel of course.

Now, I’ve still got the issue and I’m now booked in for my third try. The first visit was a system 30 reset( off and on again), the second visit was a software update/reinstall & apparently on my next visit it will be to replace the SOS control unit( whatever that actually is?

I had to keep on at the dealership a little as they were a bit lacking in the comms dept and if I hasn’t requested a call back from the customer service manager on one of the surveys they send along with an email I wouldn’t have found that out.
Anyway, I’ll update on here what the outcome is.

My advice would be to keep reporting the issue and keep going back to the service centre each time it occurs and they will activate the warranty process.

Also I sent Skoda a message on their Facebook messenger and they got back to me and checked for any recalls. Definitely complete any feedback emails you get too as it’s the best way to make a complaint.

Let us know how you get on too!
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Post by CJJE »

This problem has been highlighted today in the Guardian ( ... ing-system) !

It seems to be an endemic fault, but one my car has not experienced (touch wood!), but hopefully the added publicity will generate a bit more effort to resolve it.

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